Food Finder was developed to solve the daily argument of "Where should we eat?" Using Food Finder's choose for me button, the app will pick a nearby restaurant or fast food at random for you. Accept the food it chose for you and it will automatically send you directions via Google maps. Don't like the result the app picked? Decline the result and it will take you back to a list of restaurants closest to you. Feel free to scroll through the nearby places to help aid you in you decision.
Common questions:
Hungry and you don't know what to eat?
Tired of fighting with your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend on where should you go eat?
* Search easily for Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs and Bars by location, cuisine
* Explore every restaurant in your city, including the ones near your current location, and use search filters to find the one that suits you best.
* Foot MODE is used when in cities or crowded areas.
Permissions Requested:
* Location - To identify your location and show the restaurants closest to you.
Please rate and give feedback so further improvements can be made. Thanks for downloading and don't forget to share! Erich